Kavafis, Alexandros,
C. P. Cavafy,
Archive published 2019 via Onassis Foundation Cavafy Archive
Undated list of the jewellery of Charikleia Cavafy, handwritten by C. P. Cavafy on the first three pages of a bifolio. The last page is blank. On the first page, the Cavafy family crest with the helmet and the motto For Christ and the Land of the Romans. The last page is blank. Also included is a handwritten declaration by Alexandros Cavafy, by which he relinquishes his share of Charikleia's jewellery to his brother, C. P. Cavafy, on the first page of a bifolio. The remaining pages are blank. The short text is written by the poet in black ink. The signature and the date have been filled in by Alexandros in blue ink. Accompanied by an unmarked envelope.