K. A. (Kadian) Davis-Owusu,
Natalia Romero Herrera,
S. (Sonja) van Oers,
M. (Marian) de van der Schueren,
T. (Tippi) de Bruin,
S. (Sophie) van Houdt,
Version 1 of Dataset published 2020 via 4TU.Centre for Research Data
The study aimed to investigate the long term impact of experiences in user engagement of a food reporting mobile game app. The study recruited 10 participants, with 8 being able to complete the study. The period consider at least 6 weeks of continuous use of the DigestInn application. A one year licence of the DigestInn mobile app was given for free to each participant. A mixed dataset was collected: Daily mood reporting: Experience Sampling Method [1] was used to sample daily participants' mood towards their experience using the application. Whatsapp [2] and the visual Pick-A-Mood tool [3] were used to prompt participants daily. Weekly user engagement reporting: a user engagement scale was used and adjusted for this purpose [4]. The survey was implemented in TypeForm [5]. The prompt/reminder was done through whatsapp via a visual summary of the mood reporting, based on Daily reconstruction method [6] 6 weeks interviews: individual …