


BPI Challenge 2016 Collection

Marcus Dees, B.F. (Boudewijn) van Dongen,
UWV (Employee Insurance Agency) is an autonomous administrative authority (ZBO) and is commissioned by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment (SZW) to implement employee insurances and provide labour market and data services in the Netherlands. The Dutch employee insurances are provided for via laws such as the WW (Unemployment Insurance Act), the WIA (Work and Income according to Labour Capacity Act, which contains the IVA (Full Invalidity Benefit Regulations), WGA (Return to Work (Partially Disabled) Regulations), the Wajong (Disablement Assistance Act for Handicapped Young Persons), the WAO (Invalidity Insurance Act), the WAZ (Self-employed Persons Disablement Benefits Act), the Wazo (Work and Care Act) and the Sickness Benefits Act. The data in this collection pertains to customer contacts over a period of 8 months and UWV is looking for insights into their customers' journeys. Data has been collected from several different sources, namely: 1) Clickdata from the site www.werk.nl collected …
