


Sugarcane ground reference data over four fields in São Paulo state, Brazil, taken in 2014 and 2015 Dataset

Ramses Molijn,
Intensive measurements of sugarcane taken at four fields close to Capivari, São Paulo state, Brazil, from October 2014 to October 2015. The objective was to collect data for training and validating optical and radar remote sensing-based sugarcane growth models. The measurements include LAI, stalk thickness, stalk height, leaf length, cane density, plant density, biomass, soil moisture, plant and leaf water content, and photos. Devices used include LAI (Leaf Area Index) LICOR-2000, measurement tape and pole, caliper rule, GPS device, Falcker HidroFarm HFM2010 device, weight scale, drying ovens. The work has been partially carried out within the framework of the joint BE-Basic FAPESP project: 2013/50942-2.
