MikoÅaj Piniewski,
Version 1 of Dataset published 2017 via Warsaw University of Life Sciences WULS-SGGW
The Natural Flow Regimes in Poland (NFRPL) dataset stores data on hydrological classification of 147 (reference) flow gauging stations in Poland. Selected catchments are characterised by the minimum level of human disturbance. Classification was performed using the k-means partitional clustering technique based on four principal components derived from a set of 73 hydrological metrics computed for each gauge. The database stores data on: (1) basic properties of the reference gauges; (2) hydrological metrics computed based on daily flow time series for each gauge; (3) computed environmental variables (catchment properties) related to size, geography, climate, topography, geology, soil., land cover and hydrography of the analysed catchments; (4) assigned hydrological classes. The data set consists of the spreadsheet database and of two connected shapefiles (point shapefile related to stream gauges, and polygon shapefile related to their catchments)