


Dataset belonging to: Bow thruster velocities at multiple bank slope configurations and the stability of slope material Dataset

Roel van Noort,
The objective of this research was to extend and validate a method to determine hydraulic bed loads on slopes induced by bow thrusters and a method to determine the stability of slope material. In order to fulfill this objective scale model tests are conducted at the test facilities of Deltares. Velocity and stability measurements are performed during multiple test scenarios that contain variations in slope angle, axial distance and pile configuration. From the obtained data of the velocity measurements the time-averaged velocity and the turbulence intensities are determined. These values are compared to the theoretical values and a correction factor for the underestimation of the hydraulic bed load on a slope is defined. After that the consequences for a design of a slope protection are evaluated. Furthermore, for the stability tests it is determined what the critical slope velocity is. This is done for multiple criteria of initiation of motion.
