


Meta Analysis Face Individuation, supplementary to the paper “Understanding human individuation of unfamiliar faces with oddball fast periodic visual stimulation and electroencephalography" Dataset

J. (Joan) Liu-Shuang, Bruno Rossion, T.L. (Talia) Retter,
EEG data from 7 experiments included in a large-scale analysis for the paper “Understanding human individuation of unfamiliar faces with oddball fast periodic visual stimulation and electroencephalography” by B. Rossion, T. Retter, & J. Liu-Shuang published in European Journal of Neuroscience. Data of N = 130 participants, with 79 participants tested with upright and inverted faces in an oddball individuation paradigm. The epoched EEG data of each individual, pre-FFT, are included in the dataset (format Letswave 5, free software for EEG data analysis: {https://www.letswave.org}).
