


BPI Challenge 2015 Municipality 1 Dataset

Boudewijn van Dongen,
Data for municipality 1 Parent item: BPI Challenge 2015 This data is provided by five Dutch municipalities. The data contains all building permit applications over a period of approximately four years. There are many different activities present, denoted by both codes (attribute concept:name) and labels, both in Dutch (attribute taskNameNL) and in English (attribute taskNameEN). The cases in the log contain information on the main application as well as objection procedures in various stages. Furthermore, information is available about the resource that carried out the task and on the cost of the application (attribute SUMleges). The processes in the five municipalities should be identical, but may differ slightly. Especially when changes are made to procedures, rules or regulations the time at which these changes are pushed into the five municipalities may differ. Of course, over the four year period, the underlying processes have changed. The municipalities have a number of …
