


MD22_buckyball_catcher Dataset

Stefan Chmiela, Valentin Vassilev-Galindo, Oliver T. Unke, Adil Kabylda, Huziel E. Sauceda, Alexandre Tkatchenko, Klaus-Robert Müller,
Dataset containing MD trajectories of the buckyball-catcher supramolecule from the MD22 benchmark set. MD22 represents a collection of datasets in a benchmark that can be considered an updated version of the MD17 benchmark datasets, including more challenges with respect to system size, flexibility and degree of non-locality. The datasets in MD22 include MD trajectories of the protein Ac-Ala3-NHMe; the lipid DHA (docosahexaenoic acid); the carbohydrate stachyose; nucleic acids AT-AT and AT-AT-CG-CG; and the buckyball catcher and double-walled nanotube supramolecules. Each of these is included here in a separate dataset, as represented on sgdml.org. Calculations were performed using FHI-aims and i-Pi software at the DFT-PBE+MBD level of theory. Trajectories were sampled at temperatures between 400-500 K at 1 fs resolution.
